Sunday, March 21, 2010

Barbie cleanout

The sickness of Barbie ... I created names for all of them (see below) and I dressed them and they went to parties and then I dressed them again and they slept and I dressed them again and they woke up... I mean... I dressed them all the time. I've decided to get rid of almost all of them. The only dolls I'm keeping are my mom's Barbie (Bubble head), my stepmother's Barbie (Kirsten), a new-old Barbie (?), and one of my very first Barbie Dolls (Tropical Barbie).
This is a pretty multi-cultural group here (as far as Barbie goes)... I guess I've always loved diversity.
And now... the names (from left to right)
Back: Julie (original name: Pretty & Pink Barbie), Carol (from the Heart Family set), DJ (named for Candace Cameron's character on Full House. Also known as Angel Face Barbie), Dana (one of the Rockers), Maxie (not really a Barbie), Dee Dee (of the Rockers), Ken (California Ken... he was a douche)
Front: Dawn or Brooke (apparently she had split personality disorder... I think she was in the Rockers too), Theresa (she became one of my favorites because she wasn't blonde), Diva (one of the Rockers), Beth (Carol's twin... someone gave me the same one so they became twins).

Now I am compelled to find out the name of every Barbie that ever existed... Can I find the original pictures of the Barbie's I've owned? Do I really care? Am I that bored?

Just maybe.

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