Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My desk

There are work days when I feel like I just can't get any work done. I blog (ahem!), I check facebook, I check my personal email... I really couldn't get any work done when my favorite person would stop by and chat with me in my office (but that, I loved).

So yesterday morning I decided not to do those other things and instead I wasted time by sketching my desk. I literally drew my desk and the jumbled cluster EFF that it is... I ask you, could you work with all of that crap all over your desk? I love the website: because it's pictures of people's work spaces. I love looking at that stuff... I collect books about artist's studios as well so that I can peer into their creative environment. Do people work better in hermetically sealed order? Or do they work better in a giant mess of paper, coffee cups, and stuffed creatures?

I suppose there is an in between... maybe that's where I'm supposed to exist. I can't seem to be uber productive in my chaotic explosion of a desk but I also can't imagine having a desk that is completely austere.

Anyway, here is a scan of the little drawing I did of my desk while I should have been working on work stuff. I added a little color with some watercolor pencils, which are kind of super awesome- you can color in with them and then use water later to make it look like a watercolor... Enough of me. Off to work!

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