Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Leaving work

I have to leave work now! It's almost 65 degrees outside and I can go home and walk with the Bean in our neighborhood up and down the hills...

But before I leave I wanted to write that I've been sketching... as seen in my desk sketch in an earlier post. I love it. Today I sketched for 2 hours during a really boring meeting. I sketched the auditorium where we were meeting and then I did doodle sketches but I doodled them in my new and special notebook that is all watercolor paper... I can now watercolor the sketches, see? It's brilliant.

I wish I had more time to make stuff and craft. I love that people think my job is sitting around and making stuff all day. I wish that were true. Instead I go to boring meetings, deal with many crazy people, answer weird and random emails, check facebook when I'm not supposed to, get chemistry all over my cute shoes, roll my eyes at certain people I work with... No where in there is there usually time to craft.

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