Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Little paintings

I'm working on leetle tiny paintings for a craft sale. I love them. I want to remake some of them and sell them in my soon to be etsy shop. It's a goal! But a goal without a firm date attached to it.

I feel like my summer project list keeps getting longer. And although summer is slower, is it really that much slower? There's less traffic here when the students are gone for the summer and you don't have to wait for a table at a restaurant. But those are some if the ways the summer is faster- I get to work on time and we don't lose time at restaurants. We don't have as many customers... So that's where things feel slow.....

But trying to get an etsy shop together with product in it to sell?! That seems like a year long plan... Or a three year plan.

So, if these leetle tiny paintings sell maybe I'll have time to make more?! And then hang onto them to sell when I get my shop together?

Fingers crossed.

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