Sunday, March 11, 2012

HIghlights Magazine Craft

Bean and I made an easy craft on a rainy spring morning from Highlights Magazine.

I loved Highlights Magazine when I was a kid. All of the stories and poems, that crazy duo- Goofus and Gallant... such great memories. Bean received a subscription to Hightlights: High Five (for little kids) and I love it as much as she does. She "reads" it from cover to cover and then asks us to read it to her from cover to cover.

We recently tried one of the art projects they had in the back of the magazine and I have to say, it was a complete success.

Spring has come early to Missouri (or maybe it will snow again and kill all of the new buds on the trees and kill off all of the daffodils that are starting to blossom... but that's a little too pessimistic for a blog post about a kids craft project... so ... SPRING! WHOOPEE!).

Bean was really excited to help with this project which started with a tromp around the yard looking for the right kind of sticks. We put them in a glass jar (that was about to be recycled) and got started cutting our tissue paper in squares.

Bean was able to help with the twisty tie part. Take your tissue paper squares (we made them about 3"x3") and tie a twisty tie in the middle creating a bow tie shape. The ends of the twisty tie then get twisted around the branches of your sticks.

And depending on how many little branches are sticking off of your sticks you have an approximated Forsythia flower. It's quite nice on the dining room table... makes me want to do some spring cleaning now.

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