Sunday, April 4, 2010

Some from our trip to St. Louis

We went on a fam-cation with our good friends and their two little ones to St. Louis. The Cheshire Inn was exactly what we were told- not great, not terrible... and a short walk to Forest Park. We walked into the park every day that we were there.

Bean found a puddle and decided to stomp. Note to self... always bring another pair of shoes and socks. While it was fun and hilarious to watch, her feet were freezing afterwards. Best quote of the day: Look Dada, muddy feet!

We also visited the Magic House, which was incredible and worth every penny. I can't wait to go back now that I know how much time we can spend there. Bean loved all of the different parts and was entertained for hours until she started chomping on the fake bread in the pretend market... lunch time always breaks up the fun.

More Magic House fun... musical chairs so your butt can play music too!

And there are giant chalk people that you can decorate however you please. Bean liked gathering the erasers more than anything else. But Ruby went to town...

And it's all fun and games until you get home and your whole routine has been turned upside down. So here we are trying to get through a couple of nights of crying and weepy calls for more milk.

Happily day time comes again and your crazed sleep deprived child turns back into her normal yet strange self.

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