Sunday, January 31, 2010



This week's menu...

Sunday: Homemade minestrone soup with tuna patties and crusty bread
Monday: Rigatoni, green beans and crusty bread
Tuesday: Baked polenta with mushrooms & gorgonzola & lemon/maple roasted squash
Wednesday: Turkey meat loaf, broccoli, spinach/leek gratin with blue cheese, potato fingers
Thursday: Mexican delights... still to be determined what form this meal will take
Friday: Sloppy Joe's by Joe, mixed veggies
Saturday: Turkey dinner (you know, like on Thanksgiving!)

(The minestrone kicked major patoot! So hopefully the rest of the week will be as awesome)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Letter written to my friend Suzy who knows what a disaster my house is

Dear Miss Suzy,

I wanted to write and let you know what a good influence you’ve had in my life. Yesterday while the Bean played at her little table with crayons, a pencil, a stuffed bear and some junk mail, I started to clean off my desk in the kitchen. Normally I would have sat on the big comfy chair in the living room and spaced out for a while, maybe read Real Simple (dog earring all of the pages about organizing and cleaning), or turned on the TV trying to catch some Real World before the Bean toddled in to find me. But yesterday was different. Maybe it was the towering mass of paper and fabric and general CRAP on my desk that made me stay on my feet- quick like a bunny- and start to put stuff away (a lot of it going into the recycling). At some point I got distracted by the island, also a level 9 disaster area and decided that I should do something about that too.

I’m happy to report that both surfaces are about 80% cleaned off/dealt with.

I will endeavor to finish cleaning both surfaces today.

Thank you for your time.

Your humble servant,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Not good at blogging

Okay... so I know no one reads this blog... thank goodness. I'm certainly not good at updating it and also really not good at posting interesting things.

So here are the boring things I want to post this week...

Menu for the week:
Sunday: Butternut squash (cumin and cinnamon), tomatoes, raisins... over couscous with chicken breasts and asparagus.
Monday: Breakfast for dinner! Oven pancake, homefries, bacon...
Tuesday: Black bean enchiladas with green sauce, corn salsa fresca, sliced zucchini
Wednesday: Chicken breasts, maple-glazed carrots, broccoli, mashed potatoes
Thursday: "Not Icky Lentil Soup" - Holly's recipe, salad
Friday: Joe's pasta surprise
Saturday: eat out?!

Funny Bean thing: She closes her eyes tight and shakes her head back and forth and rubs her head on the back of her high chair. Then she looks around at us and smiles like she just performed a magical act...

Relationship advice for the week: sometimes you shut down instead of dealing with something. Sometimes you are in the middle of a stew session when life happens and you forget about the stew and you decide to eat apples. What I mean is, sometimes it's okay to stew about things and then let them go and move on or address it later when you're not so flavored.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

This week's menu

Sunday - Shepherd's pie
Monday- Loaded baked potatoes and roasted tomatoes with garlic
Tuesday- Pesto crusted chicken breasts, goat cheese with onions, carrots & mushroom stuffed zucchini and roasted tomato couscous. *** this was DELICIOUS!***
Wednesday- Chicken with cashews and water chestnuts in lettuce cups with edamame
Thursday- Joe's mystery meal
Friday- eat out!
Saturday- Roasted veggie soup (rutabaga, parsnip, carrot & potato) with grilled cheese sandwiches

Monday, January 4, 2010

This week...

(A holiday card for Lindsay... she puts up with a lot)

* Submit work to a show

* Buy Fujifilm 200 Instax instant camera (ie Polaroid)

* Post Christmas pictures on Facebook

* Seriously, clean off desk in kitchen... for real

* Make a dentist appointment

Just for this week... give me a break!