Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

I hate resolutions. I have a feeling that many blog posts about resolutions for New Year's start out this way. What's the point of many a resolution when you know it's bound to fail. Why not just make a list of things that you'd like to get around to... or write down a couple of things you think you'd want to do if time and circumstance were on your side. Not as much pressure, right?

So here are a couple of things that I want to think about accomplishing at some point in the next year... in no particular order.

  • Print images from my Salton Sea negative file
  • Hang a show of my Salton Sea photographs in the fall
  • Submit work to 5 shows (not at the Craft Studio)
  • Sew- or at least use the sewing machine without fear of sewing my fingers together
  • Cut down on buying plastics
  • Work on number two
  • Spend money more wisely
  • Finish my wedding album (printing, arranging and gluing)
  • Be a better manager at work
  • Finding new recipes and foods that I like
  • Be kind to my mother (she does a lot)
  • Be patient with Sally (she's very little)
  • Kiss Joe more (he deserves it)
  • Move through space
  • Take time for me
  • Post more on this blog...

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