Sunday, July 8, 2012

Two posts in one night?!
(The crying baby was a false alarm)

So... time.  I feel like I never have any (which isn't totally true... I got on a elliptical for 10 min today- like a CHAMP).  I carved out the time... it was 10 minutes!  (and about 30 min of talking myself into getting onto the machine).

Anyway, even though I feel like I don't have any time I recently sat down and made some drawings for a gallery show that my friend Jessie roped me into.  I love Jessie.  She is by far one of the nicest and most positive people I know.  She also completely understands how little time I have to make art and so she twisted my arm to try drawing (since my usual photographic method can take more time to set up etc.).  I drew the things around me... my particular favorite is of Bean's giant animatronic dinosaur, Tridonta.  It's a start... I'm not happy with them.  I'm not good yet... it takes practice (something that I tell students all the time- drawing is a skill to learn not an innate talent that flows freely from your fingers).  Here are a couple of the drawings in the Craft Studio gallery right now.  I cringe that they're on the wall... I wouldn't be happy if it were another artist with such underdeveloped artwork on the walls but since I'm the boss, they let me do what I want.

Nudy Doodle

Helen helps color in the drawings of Bean and Boo's toys.  I didn't have time to finish them so... voila! Instant collaborative artwork 

People are encouraged to use the watercolor pencils on the walls.  I'll finish them after the show and then post pictures of them here and on the Craft Studio's Facebook page.

 There's that Tridonta Triceratops.  


 Bright and able.

 Detail of We Used to Have a Dog, Didn't We?

So there you go.  I made some time and realize that I need to devote more REAL time to making drawings if I want to be good at it.  So I wait for my kids to grow up (all the while trying to work my jobby job and enjoy all my moments at home with the kiddos- even those fraught with tantrums and sassy 4-year old comebacks) and sneak in some me time.  

A friend of mine, Suzy Day (, just checked out my blog and noted that I hadn't updated in a while... she also noted that she couldn't imagine when I had time to update my blog (as she was cleaning my library because I don't have any time to clean my own house...).  But miracles of miracles... both kiddos are in bed (or at least Bean is in her room doing who knows what and Boo is asleep in his).  So I have 5 min to myself.  I suppose I could clean out a drawer or at least pick up the kids toys off the floor in the living room.  But instead, I choose to pour my brain out onto this blog post.  It's probably time for a picture... this might explain more than anything I could write here...

Well... I hear a baby crying.  I'm off!  (That was quick)