Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dusting off

After a great conversation with two students today I dusted off my 4x5 and took some Type 52 Polaroids. It's been too long... I have 4 boxes of Type 52 (positive only film) and two partial boxes of Type 55 (positive and negative film)... so I feel the need to ration it. However, the film is already expired and it will only keep deteriorating so I have to use it.

I took two photographs of Joe and Bean, one of me and Bean and two of myself alone. It was just the beginning... a reorientation to what I love and need to do all the time.

I also processed 4 rolls of 35mm this morning (some rolls are a year old!). Darkroom + Me = mental stability.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

not gonna happen

Alright, so there is no way that I can keep up with a picture a day blog... it's stressing me out more than helping me be creative. So, from now on... I will keep posting pictures but I can't deal with one a day...

Support your local! Sally listens to her balloon.

I fall asleep like this too... usually in front of the TV.

Country drive

Bean party... crazy aunties... deeelicious cupcakes = recipe for fun

But how does it work, Dada?



Or your car will rust...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Memorial Day weekend and more

At the playground... Playing with a giant ball!

Crazy shadows

Cousins play with balls

Our little family goes for a walk in extreme sun

Cousins make pirate masks out of Lincoln Logs

I don't know what the sign said...

We slept in a crazy location and this picture seems to be the only way to really describe how random it was... Talk about a collaged image... Joe's disembodied head, the white plane beneath him... disembodied hand (mine) and a monkey... it's like a German Expressionist film. Okay, that doesn't actually mean anything...

Nana's gazebo... or as Charlie calls it, the Carposey.