Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The What for today.

I guess the point of a blog is that you update it enough to have it be relevant to your life... 
Here's the what:
I'm watching Return of the Jedi on Spike.  
I love Star Wars.  
I get giddy when I hear: It's a TRAP! from Admiral Akbar.
Sally is asleep.
I woke up with a migraine and it never really went away.
I hosted a speaker for a training that no one in the department wanted to attend.
Our speaker rocked and even if no one else got anything out of it... I did.
I wanted to throw up but managed to force myself into a nap which, as usual, solved all of my migraine issues.
I just finished two hours of work from home so that I'm not sooo behind after tomorrow's all day training.
Becoming  a better person is priceless... just a little stressful when you have other deadlines.

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