Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bean pictures

Look at this bean! She crawls, she gets ALL of her toys out and she just doesn't stop moving...
Trouble! The bean has found where we keep the extra wipes. And she's sooooo happy about it. How can I be mad when she looks this adorable and happy. And maybe she'll use the wipes to clean the dog bed that she's sitting in... it's kind of gross after all.

Joe put her in this onesie... I love it... The dog face! The stripes! The fact that everyone thinks she's a boy when she wears it! When did dogs become a boy's favorite animal? I'm a girl and I love dogs. I guess it's that whole "Man's Best Friend" bull. Well, our little bean is doing her best to represent 9 month old girls who love dogs. Go bean go!!

Monday, March 23, 2009


I was interviewed by the Tribune today about my artwork for their Niche Artist spot in Sundays paper... I love talking about being an artist because it reminds me that I am, in fact, an artist... even if I don't have time to make any artwork.

I don't have time to make work... this is what plagues me. I want to spend days taking photographs, making photographs, cutting them up and re-forming them. I want to take drawing classes with Lon or anyone at this point to keep my hand working and my eyes seeing... it's so hard to find the time... How easy is it to audit a class? Maybe I should do that... someday.

And if I don't find the time does that mean I'm not an artist? I am compelled to make things- that's what makes me an artist. But the things that I make aren't necessarily associated with my work. I spent two hours on Shutterfly making a scrapbook of the photos I took while traveling in London with Joe and Sally. It's not very creative- the pages are made for me already, I just click and drag the digital images onto the pages and then I receive a scrapbook in the mail... p.s. it's way easier than actually scrapbooking something- which I REALLY don't have time for. But I made something... I thought about how the photos would look next to one another and that was about it. Somehow I spent 2 hours working on this...

And, why do we spend so much time at work? I want to work to live not live to work. I want to have enough time to do the things I love... like being in a darkroom all day. I want to be able to do that and still have time to see my daughter crawl and pull herself up to stand. Ugh... I just want more time. I never have time to call my friends, to go to the gym, to have a date with my husband, to take the dog on a really long walk, to exercise, to read-uninterrupted- for more than 20 minutes. I hope it will get easier when Sally is older and when Joe is done with school.

Getting back to being an artist... I am one. So there. Ooh. Now, I need to go and make something to prove it.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I'm waiting for Shutterfly to upload my photographs so that I can order prints or send along a link to my friends and family who tell me I'm a terrible parent for not sending out pictures of my child... I say that I'm a parent with no time... and that Shutterfly takes forever to upload pictures.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Why would anyone want to read my drivel?

Seriously, I don't have anything interesting to say... I think I'll mostly post pictures of stuff. Like the Flat Stanley project... I'm currently taking pictures of Flat Stanley for first grader, Olivia Thompson. He sure gets around...